Welcome to

Two Moons Lounge

Two Moons Lounge is a multi-function venue to serve our friends and family throughout Eorzea!Saturdays 10pm-2am ESTDYNAMIS | RAFFLESIA | KUGANE | W3 | P24
Mare Info:
Password: C2Y1FEHZBGZC1W8D

Honey Suckle

Age: 21
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Greeter
Short Bio: Forever lost and running around.

Enid TerreChant

Age: 31
Position: Greeter
Short bio: Enid was born and raised in Gridania, but in her teen years her family relocated to Limsa. Long story short, she ended up indebted to pirates and spent many years at sea. (Get her a little drunk and she’ll tell you all about it!) After finally working off her debt, she ended up in Ul’Dah; happy to be rid of the ocean. She dreams of returning to the Shroud one day and opening her own venue

Vespera Vaermina

Age: 27
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Host
Not-so-Short Bio: A confident and flirtatious Viera, Vespera is an Ishgardian ex-courtesan. Known by her friends as Vivi, she has a knack for getting herself into interesting situations. She’s a very passionate woman, giving everything her all and oftentimes pushing herself to experiment and try new things. Vivi has a love for traveling and meeting new people, oftentimes finding herself in bars, clubs and bathhouses. Someone to confide in and a good listener, she prides herself on being easy to talk to despite her resting bitch face. She’s quick to warm up to people, she is an open book, and honest to a fault.

Fennel Fyth

Age: 23
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Tarot Reader
Short Bio: Fennel grew up in isolation in the Twelveswood, the daughter of a Viera father and a Miqo'te mother. Despite her resulting lack of knowledge about Etheirys she is a kindhearted individual, devoting her life to helping others even as she learns how to exist among them. Fennel is always ready to lend a shoulder or an ear to those in need, and enjoys reading fortunes for her clients as well as counseling them through the results.

Kiyraenia'De Kimura

(Pronounced "Kimura Kiyraenia'De")Age: 23
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Bartender
Short Bio: Originating from the vibrant realms of Hingashi, I honed my skills as a samurai through a lifetime of dedicated training. Recently setting foot in the enchanting land of Eorzea, my journey takes a new trajectory.

Bayarmaa Davila-Kha (Baya)

Perceived age: 30's
Actual age: ???
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Management/Owner
Short Bio: Bayarmaa grew up outside the norm for Viera. Growing up with an adopted family in an Auri Kha tribe, she grew up with multiple influences. Living with the Kha tribe, she was exposed to many outsiders of the Auri people and different cultures. Baya accepts people easily and loves passionately. Her passions in life are people and learning different cultures and customs.

Azazel Drakonis

Age: 30ish
Pronouns: He/Him
Position: Management/Bartender
Short bio: Zaz is fun-loving Miqo who's sky is the limit. You will find that you can often bribe him with food or head scratches but do be sure to follow through. He keeps his blade sharp.


Name: Azazel Drakonis aka Zaz
Age: 30ish
Pronouns: He/Him
Position: Management/Bartender
Short bio: Zaz is fun-loving Miqo who's sky is the limit. You will find that you can often bribe him with food or head scratches but do be sure to follow through. He keeps his blade sharp.

Name: Bayarmaa Davila-Kha (Baya)
Perceived age: 30's
Actual age: ???
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Management/Owner
Short Bio: Bayarmaa grew up outside the norm for Viera. Growing up with an adopted family in an Auri Kha tribe, she grew up with multiple influences. Living with the Kha tribe, she was exposed to many outsiders of the Auri people and different cultures. Baya accepts people easily and loves passionately. Her passions in life are her wife and friends, meeting new people, and learning different cultures and their customs.

Name: Hikari Utada
Age: 23
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Bartender
Short Bio: Originating from the vibrant realms of Hingashi, I honed my skills as a samurai through a lifetime of dedicated training. Recently setting foot in the enchanting land of Eorzea, my journey takes a new trajectory.

Bar staff

Name: Fennel Fyth
Age: 23
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Tarot Reader
Short Bio: Fennel grew up in isolation in the Twelveswood, the daughter of a Viera father and a Miqo'te mother. Despite her resulting lack of knowledge about Etheirys she is a kindhearted individual, devoting her life to helping others even as she learns how to exist among them. Fennel is always ready to lend a shoulder or an ear to those in need, and enjoys reading fortunes for her clients as well as counseling them through the results.

Name: R'vera ('Vera) Buchmane
Age: 27
Pronouns: She/Her
Position: Hostess/bartender
Short Bio: Born in the unforgiving frost of the north, she was raised with a kind heart and eccentric ways, a mage of high caliber and amateur technician besides. She ran from her homeland at an early age, and started her own family before even finding her footing in Eorzea, but she wouldn't trade any of it for the world. From fighting wars and aiding rebellions to the adventures of motherhood, she takes all her experiences in stride and what lessons she learns to heart. You can count on her to make you a good drink, though; she never skimps on the details~

Name: Ciaran Kuroishi
Age: idfk
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Hostess
Short Bio:

Name: Orleans "Shake" Oceane
Age: Unknown
Pronouns: He/Him
Position: Hunter Chief
Short Bio: Orleans is an enigmatic figure, seemingly both otherworldly as at the same time warm. Though it is known he operates a shipping organization known to skirt the fringes of legality, the material world around him seems to mean very little to him. Though genteel, it does not take much to recognize the dire, ethereal edge to the man. There is an aura about him, powerful and mystic, that hints at an unseen spiritual majesty...

2. Do not start drama. None will be tolerated. You will be removed immediately.3. We DO NOT tolerate ANY homophobia, racism, offensive slurs, none of that. You will be removed and banned4. This venue welcomes all everyone. So please be respectful of pronouns and preferences.5. No is no. If someone isn't interested in something or does not wish to engage in conversation with you, they do not need a reason X, Y, and Z. Please respect people's wishes and boundaries.

RP ETIQUETTE1. Please follow all community rules. If you are not familiar with the community rules where you are, take a moment to read them. Some are different than others.2. Stay in character as much as possible. Handle quick out-of-character questions with double paranthesis (( * )) or, even better, in /tells or private messages working out issues or questions. If the out-of-character questions go too long, they must definitely be moved to private messages so the venue doesn't become an out-of-character chat channel.3. Do not auto, i.e. do not cause another character by way of your post to do something they are not doing unless this has been worked out in out-of-character conversation beforehand.4. Do not godmode, i.e. do not do such a thing as to be uniquely invincible or powerful unless this has been worked out in out-of-character conversation beforehand.5. Be flexible. Allow people the room to take center stage and they will hopefully do the same for you. Try not to make every moment all about you.6. Be reasonable. Do not do something to another character you wouldn't be happy to have done to your own. Don't do something that doesn't make thematic or lore sense (i.e. don't commit murder in a crowded bar and expect you woudn't be arrested or, at the very least, never able to show your face in civilization again). If in doubt, ask OOC.7. If another player ever says stop OOC, they mean it and you should respect it. Stop whatever it is you're doing, see if there is an in-character way to write around the issue they need stopped, and if there isn't, erase the entire event from existence. RP shouldn't be personally traumatic.8. Make RP fun! If you or someone else isn't having fun anymore, it isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing. See if you can do something to make it fun again.9. Avoid RP bleeding, i.e. events and feelings that happen in-character, whether good or bad, should not be therefore related to out-of-character feelings. Also vice versa, out-of-character feelings should not affect in-character happenings.